name | birthday | fave colour | pronouns |
styxie | mar 1 2008 | pastel mint-blue | she/they |
interests! |
tally hall, lolita/egl fashion, late victorian/ early edwardian womens fashion, classic horror literature, horror books, inexplicable, unexlainable, or cosmic supernatural fiction, doctor who, what we do in the shadows, the cure, early vocaloid music, strange novelty items, knitting, puella magi madoka magica, jordan peele movies, horror movies [NOT slasher], music generally, drawing/fanarts, the magnus archives, steven universe, old medical equipment, ball jointed art dolls/ooak dolls, crafts, realistic fiction books, seals, steampunk |
I've had a deep fascination and love for lolita fashion ever since Angelic Pretty hosted a teaparty near me in the year 2016 - learning about lolita & jfashion is what sparked my interest in arts and love for the individuality in every person. i care deeply for each persons expression of themself, not matter how strange nor how basic they may be, i find the choices people make for themselves absolutely fascinating!
i do not like people who see others in the most basic and popular casual-wear attire and think them to all be a copy paste of one other - every descision they have made to wear that outfit is their own! is it their favourite colour? do they like the comfort? are they wearing it because its what popular? were they gifted it? were they gifted it, even though its not to their tastes, but they still wear it because they feel guilty about not liking it? or because the well intentions of the gift bearer was an sweet attempt to make you happy, and that attaches a fond memory to the garnment? do they like the way that specific shirt flatters them most of all? there are INFINITE VARIATIONS ! HOW INTERESTING !
example: i love lolita fashion, but i hate the recent trend of putting lace and bows all over things, more so than usual i mean; i think it looks like a cheap and tacky attempt to make something look more complex or fancy than it really is, covering up an unflattering cut, plasticy fabric or uninspired design with crowded prints and layers upon layers of lace and mesh so they can say 'look at our intricate crasftmanship! look how much DETAIL!', and people will swoon, exclaim 'now THIS is how you do lolita!' simply because theyve somehow managed to add even more features and designs to the dress than the last one. in my opinion, the most important part of a dress is the silhoutte and fit, and everything else is secondary. but of course it IS just that, an opinion, and im really not bothered if its what other people want to wear. id just never wear it myself and i think its really ugly. its probably obvious now, but my favourite styles are old school and classic. my top brands are : Mary Magdalene, Innocent World, Victorian Maiden BIO IN PROGRESS
A. depends on what kind... my favourite is earl grey lavender, steeped strong, with a little bit of milk & a spoonful of honey. but most of the time for other teas i like to have it extra milky and two cubes of sugar. sweet tooth strikes again.. i do NOT like english breakfast or green teas. if you bring creamer, almond milk, oat milk, or ANY OTHER bullshit milk substitute near me i am going to consider that an hatred fueled vioent advance, and phone the police. heavy on the creamer part [pun not intended]
A. im from British Columbia, Canada! 95% of our population lives in one city [vancouver], and our hockey teams so embarassing people comment on it every time im abroad! its very beautiful and im very glad to live here. we have ocean, islands, cute sea creatures, its rain more than shine [positive] and we've plenty of fantastically mossy coastal rainforests. im pretty sure our big tourist draw is whistler for skiing but im telling you right now: there is nothing for you there. dont even think about it. if your coming to BC on vacation and need a list of places to hit up, send me an email and i'll gladly make a list. most IMPORTANTLY though..... we have WHITE SPOT !!!! you must try white spot if you come here. it will not be good. it will be astoundingly mediocre. you cannot order anything other than the childrens meal. youll simultaneosly be thinking about all the other ways you could have spent the money and about that restaurant for the rest of your life - mind boggling to think the rest of the world is without access to the one true best low[?] cost family restaurant. while your stuck with boston pizza, im feasting on a pirate pack fish n chips and trying not to lose my gold coin. one who has not consumed these things will never be able to comprehend the true beauty life can show us.